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Orange muffins

Amazing gluten-free, easy-to-digest muffins, rich in protein and flavor! Perfect for breakfast, dinner or as a snack between meals. Works great as part of a natural treatment for Crohn's, Ulcerative colitis (during remission), Gastritis, Diverticulitis, IBS, Sibo as well as for celiac disease, and other digestive disorders.


2 large grated or finely chopped carrotsת

¼  cup of almond/quinoa flour (can be combined. For low fiber, use almond flour),

¼of a teaspoon of baking powder,

1  teaspoon of cinnamon (optional),

3  eggs.

1  teaspoon of vanilla extract,

1/2  a cup of maple syrup (optional, not recommended for those on a low-carb diet),

¼  cup of coconut oil,

¼  of a teaspoon of Atlantic sea salt,

2 bowls- medium and large.


In a medium bowl, mix the coconut flour, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon.

In a large bowl, mix eggs, oil, maple syrup, and vanilla extract.

Pour the dry ingredients from the medium bowl into the large bowl.

Mix well, and add the carrots.

Grease a muffin tray with oil.

Pour a spoonful of the dough into each hole.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Cool down before serving.

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