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Diverticulitis is a sectional inflammation that mostly occurs in the area of the colon called the sigmoid colon.  Accumulation of feces in the pockets damages the lining of the colon, causing infection and can result in more severe conditions, such as intestinal punctures and leakage of feces rich in pathogenic bacteria into the abdominal cavity. Other complications that can occur include infectious abscess, fistulas, obstructions, and bleeding.

What are the pouches (Diverticulas) ?

Pouches are small and bulging pockets that form in the lining of the colon, these pouches are also called Diverticula. When a pouch occurs, it usually includes the three layers of the intestinal wall, including the layer of muscle and the membrane of the intestinal cavity.

This condition is called  Diverticulosis.

Diverticulosis is common, especially after the age of 40, and seldom causes problems.

Usually, the formation of the pouches is caused by high pressure in the colon. The high prevalence of this condition in the western world seems to be linked to high-stress levels and a low-fiber diet.

Lack of dietary fiber leads to low volume stool and constipation. Healthy fecal volume causes the colon to expand to contain the feces. A non-expanding colon can create higher pressure within itself and thus lead to the formation of the pouches.

Diverticulosis is a harmless condition but in some cases, the small pockets inside the colon get infected or inflamed, which means that the diverticulosis turned into diverticulitis, and this is a more serious problem.

In the past diverticulitis was mainly associated with old age. But unfortunately, not anymore. I see more and more young people aged 30+ who are dealing with this problem and seeking the right treatment..


Diverticulosis is not an inflammatory condition, and therefore it is not accompanied by any special symptoms. In some cases, it may manifest symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, food intolerance, and bloating. Sometimes it can also cause pain on the left side of the abdomen.

Diverticulitis, on the other hand, is inflammation and therefore causes much more severe symptoms and generally is diagnosed due to a sharp, prolonged pain in the lower left part of the abdomen. In certain cases, there may be vomiting, fever, diarrhea, or constipation. In more severe situations, the inflammation can cause intestinal perforation, fistulas, abscesses, intestinal obstructions, and bleeding.

The conventional treatment of Diverticulitis

The conventional treatment in the case of a flare-up is administration of antibiotics through the vein, in particularly serious complications surgical intervention is needed in order to remove the infected parts of the intestine.

Image by Olga DeLawrence
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The natural treatment of Diverticulitis

The natural treatment of diverticulitis focuses on neutralizing the bacterial infection, reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system, and most importantly helping the body to be more adaptable to stress 

During a flare-up, it is recommended to consume an easy-to-digest, diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory components.

The nutritional therapy will be given in combination with anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmatic, and immune-stimulating herbs, that aim to stop the infection, strengthen the immune system and ease the pain.

After the flare-up calms down, it is important to gradually return to a healthy, varied, solid diet. The diet protocol with the combination of medicinal herbs is designed to heal the intestinal tissue and reduce the risk of recurrence of the inflammation. For this purpose, it is important to put together an anti-inflammatory menu, rich in fiber and antioxidants. In addition, herbs and nutritional supplements will be combined to help heal the intestines, improve the digestion process and restore the balance of the friendly bacteria in the gut.

Sensitivity or allergy to foods weakens the digestive system and may encourage inflammation, therefore it is important to perform an illumination diet (remove the allergenic foods from the menu) in case there is a suspicion of food sensitivity.

Note that in order to help reduce the risk of Diverticulitis and its complications, it is very important to avoid foods that are low in fiber and increase the consumption of plant-based fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Controlling the levels of mental and emotional stress is just as important in preventing Diverticulitis and its recurrence, and even treating it. This can be done by combining soothing and relaxing herbs and stress-reducing therapies (such as reflexology or acupuncture), physical activity, meditation, and more.

Maintaining a healthy weight alongside physical activity significantly reduces the risk of the disease.

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